
Let’s be honest, most people don’t keep their new years resolutions if they even make them. This idea is nothing new! Most tend to make them, keep them up for a couple weeks or if they’re very committed they last until Valentine’s.   For me, it’s the act of making things I was planning on doing into resolutions that somehow makes me less motivated to start.

Regardless, I still believe that making a list (however short or general it may be) is a valuable tradition. It gets us in a positive mind set to start the year, and moreover it allows for constructive reflection later on. Along with general resolutions, its easier for me to give myself concrete goals to hold myself accountable.

 Last year, I chose not to do resolutions. I mean, I was in the middle of my MA, had a part time job, and was about to start my internship. Who had time for resolutions? But something about not having a list of personal goals to start the year just felt off and in the middle of the year I kind of regretted it. I couldn’t look back and say, “Hey, remember when I promised myself I’d start some kind of fitness plan? Well I didn’t, so it’s time to kick my butt in gear."

So, here I am with my short and seemingly simple list. Maybe this will be the year that when summer hits I can look back and realize that I’ve accomplished it all, and it’s time to make new goals and move forward… or I can just go back to binge watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix and laugh about how I’ll retry number 2 the next month. Either way, it’s a win in my book.

Resolution: Save the planet (and my wallet)

Goal One:  Create a small kitchen herb garden I actually use 

To back that up, I’d like to intentionally keep at least one of these plants alive for most of the year and it not be a complete fluke. I cook more at home now, and starting my own plants is about the same cost as buying a few sprigs of fresh basil or rosemary anyway. Plus, if I add some mint in and keep it alive, my reward is the freshest mojitos around and I’ll make new neighbourhood friends instantly. That’s how it works, right?

Goal Two: Keep track of expenses for one solid month 

With a wedding to go to in Croatia this summer, among some other smaller trips we really need to start saving. Also, when my next visa gets processed I’ll be looking for a full time job. While I’d like to accept any and everything, jobs in the arts are not always very well paid and it’d be nice to know the minimum I can accept to keep it worth it. Therefore, we really need to get a good snapshot of where our extra money goes, and this is the only way I know how.

Since Mint doesn’t technically work with bank accounts outside of the US and I really hated having to re-categorize all my expenses when I did use it back home, I decided on another route to keep me more accountable. I recently downloaded the You Need A Budget software free trial (34 days) and if I can keep it up for the month of January, and if I can keep it up I’ll upgrade to the full year ($60, but students get it for free).

Resolution: Have a healthy and happy 2015

Goal One: Complete the Blogilates Beginner month 
Instead of saying “be more healthy” or “join a gym and throw my money in the toilet while I’m at it because I have no clue how to actually use a gym” I figured I’d start small.

For those who don’t know, Blogilates is a freaking awesome fitness blog created by the talented Cassey Ho. She’s a certified fitness instructor who creates whole body workouts set to pop songs (called POP Pilates). All of her videos are generously uploaded on YouTube so you can watch them and use them for free, and she creates monthly workout plans (among other things like healthy recipes and a kickass line of workout gear) utilizing her videos that focus on different goals each month.

There’s a beginners calendar that is right up my ally that teaches the basic moves, strengthens the core, and gets you used to the type of workouts she provides. Since I can do this in the privacy of my own home I don’t have anything to lose. Due to the setup of the months its easiest to start on Sunday or Monday, so I plan to start day 1 this Monday. Has anyone tried a Blogilates workout, or are there any others you’d recommend?

Goal Two: Calm the Fuck Down

This one is the simplest and most difficult at the same time. My whole life I’ve had anxiety when it comes to things not going exactly as they did in my head, or when faced with an immediate problem that I can’t see a solution to. I used to (and still do to an extent) lash out at the people trying to help. Last year, I consciously worked towards not letting it get the best of me but I didn’t really have a plan. This year, it’s time to find a plan and stick to it. The first step -- creating a blog so most of my thoughts can go straight to paper instead of swimming around in my head—is under way.

Well, that was long winded! Sorry about that. So now that my 2014 goals are published, there’s no room to pretend they don’t exist, right? What are your goals or resolutions? Any suggestions for mine?


  1. I hear ya on keeping a budget. It's weird how money is so easy to spend but so hard to earn. I'll never get used to it, ha.

    I read your 'about me' page and you're a very interesting individual :) I'm actually quite envious that you have spent some of your life living in Ireland (I just visited there for the first time a couple of months ago and was highly impressed- my ultimate dream is to own a castle there). I might have to bug you sometime with annoying questions about the whole visa process/your experience living abroad. ;)

    P.S. I'm also an only child- it's so hard to find fellow only children, I tell you. It's like, we're all alone in the world.

    1. One downfall of living in Ireland--- I'm pretty sure only children don't exist! There are 8 in my boyfriends family, 5 boys and 3 half siblings. Its crazy! And bug away about the visa process. So far I've experience it for the UK (Northern Ireland) and I'm going through the one for Ireland now :) Thanks for visiting, Victoria!
