Birthday Recap

Yesterday marked the end of the 28th year I've been alive and the start of the 29th. While the number 28 isn't too significant, I can say for a fact that it is MUCH better than 27. For some reason, for the past year when people asked how old I was I always had to actually think about it. Odd numbers and my brain apparently don't mix.

I’ve never been one for big birthday celebrations. When I was little I had my fair share of birthday parties (Chuck E Cheese and Princess Tea Parties were personal favorites) but as I started getting older things just started getting in the way. School was generally back in session (but barely), or after college I had jobs that made not working on my birthday pretty much impossible and now the hangover the next day pretty much doesn't seem worth it! Don't get me wrong, I love having everyone pay attention to me for a day and all, but I didn't even do the work to get me here- my Mom did. I suppose I should be buying her gifts.

Anyway, I did get a few nice surprises yesterday. First of all, we got the first snow of the season here. It was more like two very random blizzards, but I enjoyed being able to sip my peppermint tea and watch the flurries as the ground and trees became covered in snow. I'm sure the charm will wear off soon, but for now it was a nice gift from mother nature.

I had a video of the snow but can't figure out how to put it up here. So lets pretend this is my apartment in the snow. 

What was nicer, though, is the fact that the roads weren't too bad to get to spend the evening and my birthday dinner with R. We went to a nice little spot in town called Scholars. It's part boutique hotel and part restaurant, and the food was delicious! I forgot to take photos of the Potato and Leek soup starter, or the Sea Bass main, but I did remember to take a quick picture of my Panna Cotta for dessert!

Panna Cotta with chai tea chocolate ice cream on top

We tried to go to the local mall to get my new iPhone 6 (I'm very spoiled... but also very excited) but alas, living in a smaller town means that the whole world shuts down at 6pm apparently, and we got there 10 minutes late. Despite that setback, it was still a lovely night!

it's actually kind of tranquil when it's empty

How do you celebrate?


  1. You're an only child AND a January baby? We're clearly almost twins. Happy belated birthday (even though it's still your birthday here in the states)!!! Seems like it was a good one! I like the way you celebrated, btw- I've been having quiet birthdays for a while now, too. Mine is on the 19th!

    I remember going to a mall in Dublin and it felt like the weirdest thing ever, for some reason.

    P.S. I'm jealous that it started snowing! I never really think of Ireland as being a snowy place.

    1. Malls here ARE the strangest things ever. They generally include at least one grocery store too! Thanks for the birthday wishes, and I was still eating cake the next day so it was basically like it was still my birthday :)

  2. P.P.S. Just realized you said your birthday was yesterday so ignore what I said about it being your birthday here still. K? ;)

  3. Thats crazy everything closes at 6!!! Happy Birthday, I love all of the snow!
    Melanie @

    1. Thank you! And yes, even the websites say 7 (which I still feel is early) but its apparently like some unwritten rule that everyone disappears at 6!
